Monday, May 30, 2016


Today Dad drank SIX CUPS OF COFFEE. Dad can be very funny sometimes  he kicked him sulf in the but yestaday. One day he promised he would take me to back beach for fish and chips. Dad odis crab sticks  sometimes.

Back Beach, New Plymouth,

My Mihi

Monday, May 23, 2016

The River

Tomorrow we are going to the River at the end of the Forest to feed the  duck’s. last time dad got us lost but he got us out of the forest.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Tree House

At Mum’s we are going to go to make a tree house. When it’s finished me and Alex can climb in it. We are going to make a Balkine and a WOOTA SLID!. We are going to put a bed in there and we can sleep in there sometimes.  

Monday, May 9, 2016

Kaseis the Kitten

At Mum’s Kaseis has a liemu
NUTS! Kaseis is a kitin. He is  tickililish he plays with the puppys and thay play with Kaseis to. I play with both of them.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Halo 3

At Dad's me and Dad played Halo 3. I got the ENERGY SWORD! I snuck up on dad in the game charged HIM AND killed him.